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Wednesday's Tweets

06:43 ♪ The rain in Maine for tourists is a pain... ♫
10:52 Starting to see why someone would live in Maine. Even in the rain, there's a beauty to the place. Bet I'd hate the winters, though.
12:04 Unmarked helicopter & armed troops raid school, find tomatoes instead of pot. http://bit.ly/cpUT8t
12:25 "People worship what they don't understand." Duh. And water's wet. (About Apple & innovation.) http://bit.ly/a49Ufn
14:57 The downside of dealing with models: getting stood up. At least this time there's no expense except to my pride and/or dignity.
18:45 Just back from dinner with friends Suzy & Gary. Memphis BBQ in Maine? Nice break from all the lobster!