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Tuesday's Tweets

08:20 RT @reduced: We endorse the #WeirdAlSuperBowl2013 movement. Let's make this happen, people. (cc: @alyankovic) [I might even watch!]
10:26 A Federal Appeals Court declares Prop 8 unconstitutional. In other news, fuck you, Mormon Church.
10:52 RT @paulandstorm: Talk's cheap. But a million signatures? That would be compelling. http://t.co/wu7YzlBe #WeirdAlSuperBowl [I signed.]
11:59 @angrymacbastards Have you guys seen this? Poor Violet Blue getting abused by Apple fanboys. http://t.co/FazxcQdj
14:18 RT @cschweitz: Totally needed this today: RT @EmergencyPuppy: Puppy, getting ready for a walk. http://t.co/JhuuIgqE [Overdose of cute!]
14:21 90s Mitt Romney would be horrified by what a bigoted asshole this guy's become. http://t.co/qH0XZY48
14:40 "When conservatives win grassroots battles of public opinion, it's democracy. When liberals do, it's totalitarianism." http://t.co/0ILLfNCo
14:48 Short movie shot with Nikon's new D800. Watch in HD. http://t.co/4JT0sWKM Want!
17:28 Today's 1st shoot didn't happen; model never told me where she's staying. Lucky I know exactly where 2nd shoot will take place.
23:29 RT @rabble: Santorum spreads all over the midwest. [Will this ever get old?]